Investor Relations

Corporate Governance

Board of Directors

Clement Yang Ker-Cheng

Chairman · Executive Director

William Yang Weiyuan

Deputy Chairman · Executive Director

Lim Tai Toon

Lead Independent Director

Carol Yang Xiao-Qing

Independent Director

Dr Nieh Chien-Chung

Independent Director

Board Composition

The Board of Directors (the “Board”) has the dual role of formulating the strategic direction and setting governance policies for the Company. The Board has appropriate independence in composition, and diversity of ideas as well as backgrounds, allowing it to make decisions that are in the best interests of the Company. Currently, there are 5 directors (4 males and 1 female, including 3 independent directors). The Board holds a meeting every quarter and meets whenever necessary to perform its duties. To assist in the implementation of the duties and functions of the Board, the Board has established several functional committees, including the Audit Committee, the Nominating Committee, the Remuneration Committee, and the Sustainability Reporting Council.

Audit CommitteeNominating CommitteeRemuneration Committee
Clement Yang Ker-Cheng
William Yang Weiyuan
Lim Tai Toon
Carol Yang Xiao-Qing
Dr Nieh Chien-Chung



Governing Documents

Medtecs Group is committed to achieving and maintaining a high standard of corporate governance within the Group by embracing the tenets of good governance, including accountability, transparency and sustainability, and by having policies in place to support our commitment.

Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

The Code touches on Medtecs Group's vision, mission and core values, and sets out important principles under which we operate to build a culture of integrity and to meet the high standards we have set for ourselves and our products.

Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy

Medtecs Group prohibits bribery and corruption in any form, whether directly or indirectly, and the prohibition applies to all of its directors, employees, agents, and representatives. This Policy governs all business activities and applies to all interactions with government officials, customers, suppliers, partners, and other third parties.

Board Diversity Policy

This Policy sets out Medtecs Group’s approach to achieve diversity on its Board of Directors.

Charitable Giving Guidelines

These guidelines ensure all Medtecs Group's charitable giving initiatives are aligned with our corporate mission, budget and resource allocation so as to maximize corporate visibility and to foster positive long-term community relationships.

Code of Conduct for Dealing in Securities

Theis code of conduct is designed to promote ethical behavior, integrity, and transparency in the securities market, and may include rules regarding insider trading, market manipulation, and conflicts of interest.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Policy

Medtecs Group is committed to fostering a supportive and inclusive culture throughout the entire workforce. The Group strives to ensure that all employees and job applicants are treated fairly and that our workforce is representative of all segments of society.

Human Rights Policy

Medtecs Group is committed to respecting human rights, creating a diverse and inclusive workplace, and adhering to international human rights standards and norms while complying with local laws and regulations in all of our global operations to eliminate any acts that infringe upon or violate human rights.

Supplier Code of Conduct

The Medtecs Group Supplier Code of Conduct outlines our commitment to responsible business practices, ethical behaviour, legal compliance, and mutual respect in our supply chain activities.

Whistleblowing Policy

Medtecs Group values transparency and an environment in which people feel free to raise legitimate issues relating to the Group's operations. The Policy encourages our employees to raise concerns about possible irregularities without fear of retribution.

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