Sustainable Environment

The climate emergency is upon us, and it’s up to all of us to do our part to tackle climate change. As extreme weather events become more frequent, it’s vital that companies take action and implement more eco-friendly business practices. That’s why we’ve set energy-saving and carbon-reduction goals for every business unit. We’re committed to improving our energy utilization efficiency and reducing our carbon footprint.

Climate Change Strategy and Management

Medtecs Group places great importance on the environmental impact of its operations. Each subsidiary, located in different regions, has its own environmental management policy and promotes a range of sustainability initiatives.


Achieve water savings: Replacing outdated equipment and adjusting operational practices to enhance water efficiency.
Efficient use of fuel/electricity:
Continuously record daily usage conditions, immediately detect abnormalities, discuss issues, and devise improvement plans to maintain efficient energy use.
Unit time capacity enhancement: Review operation mode and equipment usage to increase equipment sharing and reduce equipment downtime while maintaining production capacity, thereby achieving overall energy savings.
Waste management: Regularly engage third parties to inspect exhaust gas and wastewater to ensure compliance with waste disposal standards.


Continuously conserve resources used in operations to reduce the Company’s environmental impact, and fulfill Medtecs social responsibility in environmental protection through practical work. The factory passed external verification for ISO 14001 and ISO 14064-1 in 2024.


Pollution prevention and control: The Environmental Department conducts annual emissions testing for the factory’s boilers. During routine coal procurement, suppliers are required to provide coal testing reports to ensure that sulfur and other harmful substances meet standards.
Daily environmental management: Medtecs employs a certified Pollution Control Officer to oversee daily environmental management, inspections, and training.

• GHG Emissions

In order to gain a better understanding of the greenhouse gas emissions across our company’s various facilities and to establish clearer carbon reduction strategies, we conducted an initial assessment in 2022 focusing on six factories in Cambodia. Building upon this initiative, we plan to expand the assessment scope to include factories in Taiwan, the Philippines, and other locations in 2023. We will pursue external verification and obtain ISO 14064 certification. This will further enable us to develop carbon reduction targets and continue leading the Group towards sustainability.

• Air Pollution Management

The two laundry factories located in Taiwan do not generate ozone-depleting substances (ODS) during washing and drying processes. Other major emissions are regularly monitored and remain within standard limits. In the Philippines, the main emissions are greenhouse gases, and regular on-site inspections of coal-fired boilers by the Philippine Environmental Agency have all passed inspection. The operation of the factory in Cambodia differs from Taiwan and the Philippines and does not produce related gas pollutants. Overseas operating sites also do not produce ODS and NOx.

Water Management

Medtecs is committed to using environmentally friendly raw materials, conserving water, and improving water efficiency, as well as establishing water recycling facilities. We rigorously monitor equipment conditions to ensure efficient operation and prevent water wastage. Additionally, we research possibilities for wastewater recycling to increase water recovery rates. Regarding wastewater discharge, we outperform the required standards and strictly adhere to environmental laws and regulations in each country, avoiding the use of highly polluting chemicals.

• Water Usage of Various Operating Sites


Medtecs’ laundry factory purchased a new orbital washing machine with a water recycling function. The relatively clean rinse water at the end of the washing process can be pumped to the front of the orbital washing machine for pre-washing of dirty clothes to reduce water consumption in the washing process.


The subsidiary in Cambodia maintains a strict practice of using filtered water provided by a reputable company. Regular inspections of the water are conducted every three months to ensure its safety and reliability for customers.


The subsidiary in the Philippines plans to build a rainwater collection facility, as the Philippines has a rainy season of 3-4 months. If this system can be utilised to supply water to dyeing factory during the rainy season, it can reduce water consumption by at least 30%. The subsidiary has also collaborated with hospitals for years to develop low-cotton content and soft-textured fabrics (COOLTEX). Stains on these types of fabrics are easier to remove, and their lifespan is longer, effectively assisting in reducing water usage.

• Wastewater Management

Medtecs has set up pollution prevention and control facilities in each factory, or commissioned specialized operators to properly handle the waste generated during operation in order to reduce its negative impact on the environment.


Most of the wastewater discharged by the Group's two laundry plants in Taiwan is laundry wastewater, and is discharged after being treated by the wastewater treatment facility in the plant, minimizing water pollution. The discharged water is also inspected by the local environmental protection department every year, all results have met the discharge standards.


Our Cambodia subsidiary does not use dyes in the manufacturing process; therefore, the wastewater generated is basically domestic wastewater. Nevertheless, the relevant responsible unit still conducts regular checks on the drinking water and filtered water to measure their potential of hydrogen (pH) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) values, ensuring that the water all meet the standards required by the local government for discharge.


The subsidiary in the Philippines uses only low-polluting dyes, and prohibits the use of azo dyes. Furthermore, part of the cooling water used during the dyeing operation is recycled to reduce waste.

Waste Management

Medtecs believes that by continuously reducing waste generated during operations and collaborating with business partners to create a model for the reuse of waste, it can minimise environmental impact and impact on surrounding residents, while also giving waste new value. Meanwhile, Medtecs strictly enforces local environmental regulations at each operating site. The Company implements comprehensive waste and garbage sorting programs and collaborates with professional recycling organisations to manage waste effectively. Hazardous waste is handed over to specialized institutions designated by the Environmental Department for proper recycling and disposal.


Medtecs enhances waste sorting measures at its operating sites in Taiwan and coordinates with local communities to provide appropriate incentives for individuals to collect and exchange waste, aiding the disadvantaged. Waste fabrics from these sites are continuously transported to manufacturers producing biomass fuel rods (Solid Recovered Fuel, SRF), which are used in cogeneration plants for electricity generation.


We process non-woven fabric scrap waste into plastic pellets on-site, which are then recycled into flower pots for reuse. Any non-recyclable non-woven fabric scrap waste is disposed of by a licensed waste disposal company authorized by the Cambodian government.


The general waste generated by the subsidiary in the Philippines is managed and collected by the Free Trade Zone Administration. For hazardous waste, specifically designated companies registered or approved by the Philippine Environmental Management Bureau are responsible for recycling, ensuring that waste disposal is legally compliant.

The Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) Made From the Waste Fabric From the Taiwan Factory

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